Saturday, January 19, 2013

Origin Story

That's what they call that sepia tinted part in every superhero movie where they nip into the protagonist's past and show us why he/she gave up normal existance and decided to wear their underwear on the outside of their tights.  If John Williams is on the job, there are violins in the background, playing the classical version of a power-ballad.  ......It's also usually fraught with angst and tragedy.

Here is wear I abandon my cute comparison and skip onto the part where I'm not super, ideas are not heroes, and massive coffee consumption does not warrant a soundtrack (bummer), but we escape tragedy.  Isn't that nice?

Where do ideas begin...

my sister gave me this notebook...

If you are me, ideas begin in notebooks.  Not because that is the logical place to put an idea (if you have one), but because you have several beautiful notebooks on hand and you need to justify their existance.  So you pick your favorite, crack the cover, and create an idea to put inside so that it can be your 'idea notebook'.

Philosophical question: If you arrive at the same destination either way, does it matter if you waddle there rather than walking?

So my goal is to turn my multitudinous hobbies into some variety of steady income.  I've sold work on commission and in local shops before, but never tackled it with any true seriousness.  This time I want to see if I can make a proper go of it.  And because I am me, my ambitions immediately manifest themselves as lists.  So here I go, writing things down, in a notebook which is now my Idea Notebook.  So many questions to answer...  Which things shall I sell?  What materials will I use?  Which things are best suited to the local market, and which things will I list on Etsy?  (Can I even DO this??)

I want to continue doing what I love, and someday (maybehopefully) I will look at my moderately thriving little creative outlet and think back to this moment.  This, ladies and gents, is my Origin Story.

And how did I get here, you ask?  I guess that would be an Origin-Origin Story.  I'll tell you about Clara Dora, and my magpie love of shinies and fibers, and my mum.  I'll even tell it in sepia.

but first.............where do you keep YOUR ideas?

the promise of still-to-be-filled pages

1 comment:

  1. Love blog, you! Followed by email, got you on my 'reads' page now, looking forward to reading more! I love your notebooks. I have these horrible little sticky notes on my desktop that make me feel frantic. I should probably replace them with a pretty notebook. Ho hum.


Speak, my friend!